Public Notice for Craig Residents - TextMyGov

TextMyGov Alerts

The City of Craig has partnered with TextMyGov to help facilitate communication between the public and the city. 

TextMyGov is a two way text based communications tool used by the city of Craig.  The city will use the system to send alert messages out to the public regarding routine notifications (water shutoffs, road closures, etc.), emergency notifications (Tsunami Warnings, etc.), recreation events and other categories set up by the city in the future.

TextMyGov will also allow for greater communication from the public to the city through processes that allow residents to provide information on specific issues (i.e. potholes) or to text the system keywords that will generate automatic responses (for example the keyword "volleyball" may return a response that tells the resident the days, times, and cost of open volleyball).

Please be patient with staff as we build out processes and keyword responses.  We currently have the system active and open for sign up, but we are still in the process of building out other features.  The number of processes and keywords will grow as we work through this buildout.

In the meantime go to the TextMyGov widget on the home page or check out the flyer attached to this page of on the TextMyGov page by clicking HERE.


If you have suggestions for processes or keywords that would be helpful please let us know by emailing our Administrative Assistant at