Craig Harbor User Survey

The City of Craig is currently working to construct a new harbor at the Cannery Site here in Craig.  The new harbor will have a 10.1 acre basin, 1,900 linear feet of rubble mound breakwater, and 125-145 moorage slips.  More information on the harbor project can be found by going to:

Design of the harbor facilities will start at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020 and take about 12 months to complete.  As part of the design process we are asking harbor users to provide some input on the features of the new harbor to help the design process.  Please take a few minutes and complete the questionnaire to provide your input.  Results will be given to the Craig Harbor Advisory Committee for discussion and inclusion in the new design.


If you would prefer to fill this survey out in paper form you can get a copy of the survey at Craig City Hall or the Craig Harbor Office.

4. What do you primarily use the harbor (or associated facilities) for? (Check all that apply)
7. What will the new moorage be used for?
Drive Down Ramp/Loading Area
Multiple land access points
Adequate solid waste area (garbage, waste oil, etc.)
Gear Storage
Work Float(s)
Water Spigots
Electrical Pedestals